Target 3. Flexible Learning Environments – FWSU will maximize flexible learning environments by redefining the school day, promoting learning experiences that extend beyond the school classroom, and fostering creativity, innovation, and differentiated learning opportunities for all.

Action Step – Highlight, create and model innovative learning opportunities that promote collaborative inquiry, problem solving and creativity for students and staff.

Animation Shot 1

Students in Mr. Choiniere’s animation class have already made cel and cut-out animations. Now they are learning how to use chroma key technology, also called green screen, to make stop-motion animations.  Stop-motion creates the illusion of movement by first taking individual pictures of moved objects and then playing them back quickly at a rate of fifteen frames-per-second.

Animation Shot 2The green screen allows students to place any background that they want while editing on the computer. Students are using iPads, iMacs and webcams with iMovie and iStopmotion software to create these magical productions.  Look for postings of these films in the near future.

Here is the final product created by our students:

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