GEMS Elementary is Sharing Their Story 1000 Words At A Time on Facebook

"A Picture is Worth A 1000 Words" - Fred R. Barnard. Georgia Elementary Principal, Steve Emery wanted his teachers to be able tell their story on Georgia Elementary's Facebook Page. To accomplish this goal, he provided a new system where teachers can submit images of the amazing learning going on in their classrooms. Now, teachers … Continue reading GEMS Elementary is Sharing Their Story 1000 Words At A Time on Facebook

First Graders Lead the Charge on Recycling at Fletcher Elementary

The Fletcher Elementary learning community values environmental stewardship.  This month Mrs. Hurt’s first graders have been learning about recycling practices.  Mrs Hurt read students a wide variety of books about recycling. Students explored reading Ready to Recycle  together as a class as well as to themselves, and then they got to add color to the … Continue reading First Graders Lead the Charge on Recycling at Fletcher Elementary